[opentheory-users] redundant commands

Ramana Kumar ramana at member.fsf.org
Thu Oct 29 23:23:03 UTC 2015

Even cooler would be to go in the other direction :)
(I mean see an article snippet that looks like it's doing defineConst or
trans or something, in terms of more primitive commands, and turn it into a
call to the derived command instead.)

On 30 October 2015 at 10:08, Ramana Kumar <ramana at member.fsf.org> wrote:

> I was originally going to suggesting retiring defineConst, but I have
> realised that what I'm really asking is about redundant commands.
> The defineConst command is subsumed by the defineConstList command.
> Unfortunately, I can't write an implementation of defineConst purely in
> terms of other article commands, because the virtual machine provides no
> mechanism for retrieving the type of a term, or for keeping track of
> available keys in the dictionary. However, any article writer will be able
> to do these things.
> Then simulating a defineConst command is as easy as doing
> defineConstList(assume(mk_eq(varTerm(var n),t)),cons n nil)
> where mk_eq corresponds to making an equality between two terms, and n and
> t correspond to the arguments to defineConst.
> I guess there are already redundant commands in the virtual machine,
> though (like trans).
> I guess it would be nice (to readers) if there were some switches in the
> opentheory tool to produce an article with certain redundant commands
> expanded out into a minimal non-redundant core set of commands.
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