[opentheory-users] What's behind the article merging function

Joe Leslie-Hurd joe at gilith.com
Thu Jul 9 18:35:37 UTC 2015

Hi Robert,

Whenever an article is generated, it is normalized so that if a type
or term is used multiple times then it is built once, saved in a
dictionary, and then pulled out when needed. For theorems this is
taken even further, so that theorems that are alpha-equivalent are
only constructed once.

I'm afraid there's currently no infrastructure for recording which
article file a theorem was exported to in HOL Light. It probably
wouldn't be too hard to add, though, if you needed the information.



On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 5:12 AM, Robert White
<ai.robert.wangshuai at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Joe,
> I wonder what's behind OpenTheory when it's merging two or more article
> files together. Is there any optimization?
> By the way, for HOL Light, is there any function I can tell which thm is in
> which article file after exporting?
> Thanks a lot!
> --
> Regards,
> Robert White (Shuai Wang)
> INRIA Deducteam
> [Moving to ILLC of UvA from this Sep to continue my masters. ]
> [New email address will be shuai.wang at student.uva.nl]
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