Chess Problem Solutions

Mate in 2


1. Rhg7
1. ... Kc8      1. ... Ke8      1. ... Nb7      1. ... Nf7      1. ... Ne8      1. ... Nc8
2. Ra8# 2. Rg8# 2. Ra8# 2. Rg8# 2. Ra8# 2. Rg8#

Mate in 2


1. Re1
1. ... Kxe1      1. ... Bg2      1. ... B~
2. Qd2# 2. Qh4# 2. Qg1#

Mate in 2


1. Rg4
1. ... Kc1      1. ... Kb3      1. ... Kd3      1. ... B~
2. Rc4# 2. Qxd1# 2. Qe4# 2. Qb1#

Mate in 3


1. Bb8 f2
2. Rc7 Kh2
3. Rh7#

Mate in 3


1. Nd5 (threatening 2. Nc7#)
1. ... Rg7      1. ... a4      1. ... Rc6
2. Rb6# 2. Nc7+ Ka5 2. Rb6+ Rxb6
3. Rb5# 3. Nc7#

Mate in 3


1. g8=N b5
2. Ne7 Kxb4
3. Nc6#

Mate in 4


1. Kf5 Kd6
2. Ne4+ Kxd5
3. Kf6 Kxe4
4. Bc6#

Mate in 5


1. Ba3 b4
2. Bbd4 bxa3
3. Ba1 a2
4. Kc3 Kxa1
5. Kc2#

Mate in 6


1. Bd1 (threatening 2. Bb3#)
1. ... Kc4
2. Bb3+ Kd3
3. Ba4 (threatening 4. Bb5#)
3. ... Kc4
4. Bb5+ Kd5
5. Nf3 (threatening 6. Re5#)
5. ... Kxe6
6. Bc4#

DON'T mate in 1


1. Rc6+ Rxh7

DON'T mate


1. c4+ Rxc4
2. e4+ Rxe4
3. Ne7+ Rxe7
4. Nc7+ Rxc7 stalemate

Selfmate in 5


1. Ba6 ab
2. Bb5 bc
3. Bc4 cd
4. Bd3 de
5. Be2 ef#

Selfmate in 2


1. Re5 Kf7 or Kh7
2.   g8=R   f2# or h2#

Selfmate in 3


1. Ra4 c6
2. Ra5 c5
3. c4 g4#



1. c7 Rd6+
2. Kb5 Rd5+ (if 2. Kb7 Rd7, and if 2. Kc5 Rd1 3. c8=Q Rc1+)
3. Kb4 Rd4+
4. Kc3 Rd1
5. Kc2 Rd4
6. c8=R Ra4 (if 6. c8=Q Rd4+ 7. Qxd4 stalemate)
7. Kb3 (threatening both 8. Kxa4 and 8. Rc1#)
1 - 0



1. Be3+ Kb7
2. e7 Rxa3
3. Ba7 Ra1
4. Kf4 Rf1+
5. Bf2 Rxf2+
6. Ke3 Rf1
7. Ke2 (and the pawn promotes)
1 - 0



1. Bh6+ Kg8
2. g7
2. ... e5      2. ... e6      2. ... Kf7
3. Ke6 e4 3. Kd6 Kf7 3. g8=Q+ Kxg8
4. Kf6 e3 4. Ke5 Kg8 4. Ke6 Kh8
5. Bxe3 5. Kf6 5. Kf7 e6/e5
1 - 0 1 - 0 6. Bg7#



1. Kg7 h4
2. Kf6
2. ... h3      2. ... Kb6
3. Ke6 h2 3. Ke5
3. c7 Kb7 3. ... h3      3. ... Kxc6
4. Kd7 4. Kd6 h2 4. Kf4 h3
½ - ½ 4. c7 4. Kg3
½ - ½ ½ - ½



1. f7 Rf8
2. e6 b6
3. Kb7 Kc5 (if 3. e7 Rxf7 and the e-pawn is pinned)
4. e7 Rxf7
5. Ka6 Rxe7 stalemate



1. Rf8+ Kd7
2. Rf7+ Ke6
3. Rf5
½ - ½

If black moves away his attacked rook he loses the other one with Rf6+, and if his king retreats to the 7th rank white checks as before.

Find the Last Move

2K5/8/k7/3N4/8/8/7P/6B1         k1K5/8/8/8/8/8/7P/6B1
1. Nb6 Ka7
2. Na8+ Kxa8

Where is the White King?

8/8/8/1r6/Bp2b3/8/1KP5/3k4         8/8/8/1r1b4/B7/8/8/3k4

Answer: c3

1. Kb3 Bd5+
2. c4 dc+
3. Kxc3+

On which Square was the White Queen Captured?


Answer: h6


After Black's 4th Move

Initial position         rnbqkb1r/ppp2ppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKB1R
1. Nf3 e5
2. Nxe5 Ne7
3. Nxd7 Nc6
4. Nxb8 Nxb8

After Black's 4th Move

Initial position         rnbqkbnr/pp3ppp/2p1p3/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQK1NR
1. e4 e6
2. Bb5 Ke7
3. Bxd7 c6
4. Be8 Kxe8

After White's 16th Move

Initial position         8/8/8/8/7k/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR
1. Nc3 d5
2. Nxd5 g6
3. Nxe7 Nf6
4. Nxg6 Ne4
5. Nxh8 Nc3
6. Nxf7 Qg5
7. Nxg5 Nb1
8. Nxh7 Bd7
9. Nxf8 c6
10. Nxd7 b5
11. Nxb8 Kf7
12. Nxc6 Kg6
13. Nxa7 Kh5
14. Nxb5 Ra3
15. Nxa3 Kh4
16. Nxb1

Thorny Construction Task

Initial position         r2q3B/1pp2pp1/2p1p3/8/1P4PP/4PP1b/3PRQNk/1B2BKR1

Proof Game

1. Nf3 Nf6
2. Ne5 Nd5
3. Ng6 Nb4
4. Nxf8 Nxa2
5. Ng6 Nb4
6. Ne5 o-o
7. g3 Nd3+
8. cd a5
9. b4 a4
10. Nc3 a3
11. Bb2 a2
12. Rc1 a1=Q
13. Bh3 Na6
14. Be6 Nc5
15. Nf3 Qa5
16. Ba2 Ne4
17. de Qf5
18. ef Ra6
19. h4 Rg6
20. fg Re8
21. gh+ Kf8
22. h8=B Kg8
23. Kf1 Kh7
24. Kg1 Kg6
25. Nd5 Kh5
26. Bd4 Kg4
27. Nh2+ Kh3
28. f3 Rf8
29. Ne3 Re8
30. Ng2 Rf8
31. Bf2 Re8
32. Qf1 Rf8
33. e3 Re8
34. Re1 Rf8
35. Re2 Re8
36. Be1 Rf8
37. Qf2 Re8
38. Kf1 Rf8
39. Rg1 Re8
40. Ng4 Rf8
41. Ne5 Kh2
42. Nc6 dc
43. Bb3 Bh3
44. g4 Qd7
45. Ba2 Ra8
46. Bb1 Qd8


The wBh8 requires wPc2xd3xe4xf5xg6xh7-h8=B, consuming all missing black units except black-squared bBf8. Then the bPa7 had to be promoted before it can be captured. So that a wP (a or b) had to be captured to open the way (and no 2nd white promotion is possible). The other missing white unit is a wN, captured by d7xNc6. bPh7 cannot have been promoted, so that it has been captured at home.

The S-E corner unlocks by (1) retracting wPg3-g4, then (2) extracting the bBh3, then (3) retracting bKh3-h2, then (4) inserting something on h2 and (5) retracting Rh1-g1. Then everything unlocks. But only a wN can reach h2 for step (4). This wN must be resurrected on c6, after bBc8 is driven back home (requiring that e7-e6 is taken back).

Now we see that the bK had to leave the 8th rank before d7xc6 or e7-e6 took place. He had to go through the h7 hole, when there was a promoted wBh8. Necessarily, the bKR was still there (so that the bQR has been captured) and it could only let the bK out if the first move of the bK was O-O. (The bR now on a8 is the original bKR, the bKB was captured at home, the wPa2 was captured on its file).

Checkmate after Black's 5th Move Promoting to a Knight

Initial position         rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/8/8/8/1P6/PKP2PPP/RNBn1BNR
1. d4 e5
2. Kd2 ed
3. b3 d3
4. Kc3 de
5. Kb2 exd1=N#

Stalemate after White's 10th Move

Initial position         5bnr/4p1pq/4Qpkr/7p/7P/4P3/PPPP1PP1/RNB1KBNR
1. e3 a5
2. Qh5 Ra6
3. Qxa5 h5
4. Qxc7 Rah6
5. h4 f6
6. Qxd7+ Kf7
7. Qxb7 Qd3
8. Qxb8 Qh7
9. Qxc8 Kg6
10. Qe6 stalemate